Background Checks – Metro United requires that all coaches complete an annual background check.
Concussions – Metro United and its coaches comply with MN Statutes 121A.37 Youth Sports Programs and 121A.38 Concussion Procedures. The key component of this law is as follows:
A coach or official shall remove a youth athlete from participating in any youth athletic activity when the youth athlete:
(1) exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion; or
(2) is suspected of sustaining a concussion.
When a coach or official removes a youth athlete from participating in a youth athletic activity because of a concussion, the youth athlete may not return to the activity until the youth athlete:
(1) no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion; and
(2) is evaluated by a provider trained and experienced in evaluating and managing concussions and the provider gives the youth athlete written permission to again participate in the activity.
Metro United coaches are required to maintain their HEADS UP concussion training certifications.
First Aid – the team is responsible for providing first aid during activities. Metro United has first aid kits stocked and available that can be kept with the team (coach, parent, or player) and which can also be supplemented if desired by the team.
Goal Safety –Goals must be anchored and free of sharp edges and protrusions such as bolts or hooks. Coaches must check, but players and parents must also take responsibility and examine with an eye to player safety. Players may not climb or hang on goals and should treat goals and other soccer equipment with respect.
Hydration – players are responsible for bringing enough water to stay hydrated during soccer activities.
“More than Two Rule” – parents and players are responsible for ensuring that one unrelated player and adult are not left alone and unattended. Just like the offside rule, the “second to the last defender” must also wait. Parents, please pick up your players on time.
Players’ Equipment – players are responsible for wearing correctly fitting shin guards with a NOCSI imprint and removing all items of jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, etc.).
Weather/Lightning – Metro United recommends that participants seek immediate shelter in their automobiles or a designated severe weather shelter if a lightning detector or phone app indicates lightning within 5 miles, or if there are less than 30 seconds between a lightning flash and hearing the corresponding thunder. Smaller, open structures, tents, trees, isolated areas, etc, should be avoided.